Antoine Ly has begun practising Yangjialaojia Taiji Martial Arts (the traditional frame of Yang family Taijiquan) in 1972. Since 1977 he has taught in France. Antoine holds the 8th Duan in Internal Chinese Martial Arts. In 2009, he was awarded the Chinese Martial Art Transmission Trophy in Taiwan. Antoine is author of “L’Art du Tai Ji Quan, le Dao et le Qi” [The Art of Taijiquan, Dao and Qi] (1990), “Qigong Dynamique” [Dynamic Qigong] (2006) und “Nouvelle Lecture du Taijiquan, Voyage entre matérialisation et spiritualisation” [A new interpretation of Taijiquan – A journey between materialisation and spiritualisation)] (2013).
Themes: The Game of the five animals and Tuishou
The Game of the five animals
The movements of the Game of the five animals produce their preventive effect concerning health by imitating animals and their characteristic movements: the tiger, the giraffe, the bear, the gibbon (ape) and the crane (bird).
This workshop works both on the movements in connection to the principles of internal energy work and on coordination, flow and foundation.
Tuishou (Marianne Plouvier & Antoine Ly)
Working with a partner – Tuishou – undertaken in an academic, i.e. non-combative way is a great method for the development of physical abilities and mental reactivity.
After the initial warming up and stretching, the four basic energies of Taijiquan –
peng, lu, ji, an – are worked on with a special focus on precision and sensibility.