Introduction to basic Qigong for beginners

Easy to follow Qigong exercises for the complete beginner
Basic Qigong for beginners – free videos & instructions
Recommended reading on Qigong for beginners
Easy to follow Qigong exercises for the complete beginner
Welcome to the ‘Basic Qigong for beginners’ series. This online series contains easy to follow videos of Qigong movements and exercises, accompanied by straightforward instructions. These movements are suitable for all ages and abilities to learn at home (always take your own circumstances and doctor’s advice into consideration!).
Why start Qigong?

Simply put, for a healthier, happier life! Our step-by-step visual guide teaches you the fundamental Qigong principles:
- core structure
- connectivity
- flexibility
- softness
- relaxation
Using these ideas you will learn how to efficiently focus the mind and more easily relax the body as a whole. This will allow you to have more energy in the day and helps relieve tension, stress and anxiety. Our series will also provide helpful supplements for the more seasoned student about the foundations of all Qigong exercises and routines.
More about Qigong
Qigong is a method that has been refined over centuries to improve one’s health and calm the mind. It’s strength lies in an effective set of practice patterns for balancing mind and body. Having mind and body out of balance is what often leads to tension, stress, unhappiness or illness. Regular practice can promote vastly improved health (which can act protectively) and assist in health recovery. The key lies in the deliberate nature of the focused movements, hence the perceived slower pace.
It’s easy to talk about, but it’s better to do!
Full instructions will accompany the videos to provide further detail. We hope this will better your knowledge and understanding of not only the movements, but the nature of Qigong itself.
Get started with ‘The Basic Qigong for Beginners’ series and give yourself a fantastic foundation in Qigong. Note that the warm-up routines are for beginner and experienced practitioner alike.
Over time these online videos will graduate to more advanced routines.
Although Qigong can be practiced by almost anybody, it is always advised that you find a good teacher to help guide you. Failing that, try to understand your limitations. This online series will act as a comprehensive guide but if you are under any doubt as to the limitations of your health or physical capabilities, please seek the advice of your health care provider.
The secret is in the doing.
Author: Tina Faulkner Elders
Images: Tina Faulkner Elders and Taiji Forum
Basic Qigong for beginners – free videos & instructions
Here you will find the links to all exercises of the online series containing easy to follow videos of Qigong movements and exercises, accompanied by straightforward instructions.
Warm Up Exercises for Qigong
Here you will find the first 8 warm up exercises with Tina. In our media section we offer more warm up exercises for Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong from different teachers and systems.
This finger stretching exercises helps to promote strength and flexibility through all of the fingers equally. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
This wrist rolling exercise is designed to loosen the wrist joints. The exercise helps to promote softness and flexibility through the wrists, but if performed correctly, the exercise will work on movement and softness along the whole length of the arms, from the shoulders to the fingertips. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
The shoulders joints along with the associated bones, muscles and ligaments play a very important roll in the practice of Qigong and in our day to day activities. The shoulder area can accumulate a great deal of tension… Continue reading and see the video and instructions
Shoulder & Hip Loosening with Body Rotation: This exercise serves to loosen the shoulder and hip joints. We do this by guiding the movement from the lower part of the body and directing it all the way to the finger tips. When practicing Qigong it is important to be soft in the body, but it is also important to be connected. If we can keep the body relaxed, it is easier to feel and make connections so we are able to guide internal movement. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
This is a fantastic little Qigong exercise for stretching and opening through the whole body, all the way from the fingers to the toes. It also introduces controlled breathing, in coordination with the movements of the body. It is a great ‘wake up’ exercise, filling the body with breath and allowing the blood and the qi to flow all the way to the extremities. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
This is a daily ‘must do’ exercise for all! As simple as it may seem it is very effective at easing tension in the lower back and hips. This is particularly valuable for people who sit or stand still for long periods of time. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
In any good Qigong form there is an opening movement and a closing movement. Although the physical movements may vary from routine to routine and some details and specifics will be different, the internal practice and theory should be more or less the same. This internal practice of opening and closing a Qigong form is nicely illustrated with the Wudang 5 Animal routines. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
WUDANG SINGLE TURTLE MOVE QIGONG: The hands then relax a little away from the belly and raise up the centre line of the body to extend out in front of the chest into a Zhan Zhuang (‘standing like a tree’) position. Make sure to push the lower part of the back backwards into a ‘Turtle back’ shape. Spiraling out through the fingertips the palms turn upward. Continue reading and see the video and instructions
Qigong Exercises for Beginners
TIGER: ‘Tiger Washes His Face’ Relax the arms down in front of the body, palms facing forward. At the same time turn the body to face left. Shifting the weight forward – onto your left leg, make a ‘scooping’ action with the hands. Raise the arms leading through the fingertips up to face height. Shifting the weight back, roll the fingers into loose fists. At the same time fold the arms in and bringing the hands toward the shoulders… Continue reading and see the video and instructions
SNAKE: ‘Rotate Heaven and Earth’: Raise the arms in front of the body, palms facing inward, till you come to a zhan zhuang or pole standing posture. Turn the body to the right and then lower the right arm to come to a ‘ball holding’ posture. Turn the body back to face the front so as you have your ‘ball’ in front of you with your left hand on top. Rotate the arms rotating your ‘ball’ until your right hand is on top… Continue reading and see the video and instructions
Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat – 轻舟平渡 – Qīngzhōu Píngdù
- Regulates Lung Qi
- Stimulates Smooth flow of Qi
- Aids Transformation and Transportation of Qi
Continue reading and see the video and instructions
much more to come!
Recommended reading on Qigong for beginners
Qigong Beginner Guide – In our Qigong Beginner Guide you will find tips for your journey in the world of Qigong.
More Qigong beginner videos – A selection of practical Qigong Exercises
Youtube Channel “Qigong Exercises” – On our Qigong Exercise Youtube Channel you will find more videos. We will publish videos on a regular base. Subscribe on our Channel / newsletter or like us on Facebook to be up to date!