Spine Qigong

Spine Qigong

Spine Qigong Exercise 1 – #WellnessWednesday 8

Searching for an exercise against heavy shoulders or a stiff neck? This week, Tsui will show us an easy, but effective spine exercise

Reasons for spine Qigong

Our central nervous system leads from the brain all the way down the spine. The small energy circle in Qigong is connected to the spine. Chronical illnesses may develop from misalignment or distortion of the spine. – Some reasons to get things moving!

Spine turning routine in 5 steps

You should repeat every step for a few times before adding the next!

Steps 1-3: tailbone – hip – shoulders

  • Step 1: connect the tailboneSpine Qigong
    Starting position: The feet are about shoulder-width apart, the big toes pointing forward. Your body axis turns left – at the same time you transfer your weight onto your right foot. Your tailbone sinks into your heal. Then we turn back into the starting position – your weight is in the middle. Now turn your body axis to right – and transfer your weight into the left food. Again, sink the spine into your heal.
  • Step 2: The hip
    Same exercise, with one added step.
    While turning the tailbone sinks into the heal.
    Then, turn the hip around the point mingmen.

Info: Mingmen – the Gate of Life – is an acupuncture point in the lumbar spine. It is located between the second and the third lumbar vertebra.

  • Step 3: Shoulders
    Tailbone sinks to the heal; mingmen turns (hip).
    Then turn the shoulders around the point Zhiyang. We may visualise a small ball around which we turn the shoulders into the respective direction.

Info: Zhiyang – Extremity of Yang – is an acupuncture point in the thoracic spine, between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebra. For the exercise: It is located on the level of the lower end of the shoulder blades or, seen from the front, between the nipples.

Tip: The movements should be done slowly and steadily – take care to keep all steps separated. The turning of the body in space in is a result of the turning of the spine in itself. Take care to put real weight on the foot you are working from. Your body weight flows into that foot – the other foot is light. The knee always stays over the weighted foot. It points into the direction of the big toe. Be careful not to let the knee drop in.

After a few repetitions, we can move on to the last two steps.

Steps 4 and 5: chin and eyes

  • Step 4: Chin
    After going through the first three steps, we now add step 4. We now turn the chin backwards, in the direction of the shoulders. We may imagine a ball which is located at the point in the upper neck where the head is connected to the torso.
  • Step 5: Eyes
    After going through the first four steps, we imagine another ball on our forehead between our eyes. Turn the ball and look back in a diagonal line.

Meditative spine Qigong

Mastered all five steps? Congratulations! You may now also use this routine as a meditative exercise. – Just turn nice and slowly, one point at a time.

Have fun!