Qigong Exercises

48 posts

tag Qigong Exercises: Qigong is an excellent exercise system for the mind, body and spirit for people of all ages and physical conditions.

Under the tag “Qigong Exercises” you’ll find Qigong routines for beginners and advanced with instructions and videos from various systems and schools. In our free download section you’ll find pdf’s for your training as well.

Qigong Beginner Guide

Don’t miss our guide for beginner. In our Qigong Beginner Guide you will find tips for your journey in the world of Qigong.
These articles series is written for Qigong and Taijiquan beginners. Here you will find a lot of tips like “How to prepare your trail lesson” or “How to find a good teacher”.

Easy to follow Qigong exercises for the complete beginner

Welcome to the ‘Basic Qigong for beginners’ series. This online series contains easy to follow videos of Qigong movements and exercises, accompanied by straightforward instructions. These movements are suitable for all ages and abilities to learn at home.

Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat

Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat

Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat – 轻舟平渡 – Qīngzhōu Píngdù Insrtuctions for the Qigong Exercise “Smooth Ferrying a Light Boat” Arms only: Bring the Shāngyáng (LI1) at the thumb and Shǎoshāng (LU11) at the index finger together.Raise the hands against the body to the top of the chest, at the […]

#WellnessWednesday 12 – Circle Qigong: Exercise 4 – shoulder loosening

Shoulder loosening – Circle Qigong: Exercise 4 Frozen shoulders? Tension in the rib area? Just try this simple exercise! This week‘s #wellnesswednesday addresses the shoulder girdle. The ribs, which build the ribcage shoulders and arms are connected through a system of muscles and sinews. Thus, tension and relaxation of the […]

#WellnessWednesday Part 1 – free the head and strengthen the heart

#WellnessWednesday Part 1 Our new series #WellnessWednesday opens the door to the world of Chinese medicine and Qigong. We are looking forward to simple movement exercises and tips for nutrition and health between East and West with Tsui from Freiburg, Germany. Simple Qigong exercises to free the head and strengthen […]


This article, WUDANG SINGLE SNAKE MOVE QIGONG is part one of the series Introduction to basic Qigong for beginners. WUDANG SINGLE SNAKE MOVE QIGONGWITH OPEN AND CLOSEFIRE ELEMENT (HEART & SMALL INTESTINE) Opening a Qigong routine: Preparation.Stand in stillness before you begin. Calm the breath and allow the mind to become […]



This article, WUDANG SINGLE TIGER MOVE QIGONG is part one of the series Introduction to basic Qigong for beginners. TIGER: ‘Tiger Washes His Face’ WITH OPEN AND CLOSE METAL ELEMENT (LUNGS & LARGE INTESTINE) Opening a Qigong routine: Preparation.With all Qigong practice, allow a moment of stillness before any movement begins. […]

8 Health exercises

8 Health Exercises

8 Health Exercises after Sha Guozheng This set of 8 health exercises doesn’t leave you wishing more: It is easy to start learning and offers quite a lot if you do understand to take the poetic titles of each exercise as your script/direction and let them be unfolded!Practicing these eight health exercises will […]


WUDANG SINGLE TURTLE MOVE QIGONG WITH OPEN AND CLOSE WATER ELEMENT (KIDNEYS & BLADDER) Opening a Qigong routine Preparation.With all Qigong practice a moment of stillness is required before any movement begins. This allows time to calm the mind and the breath and to become present. Take your time with this […]

Qigong exercises

8 Brocades Videos

To give you an idea about the different ways of the 8 Brocades, we have assembled some examples of Ba duan jin routines, non-martial and martial, below. Or are you curious and want to start with your 8 brocades right away? Why not have a look at our easy to […]

Taiji & Qigong Finger Exercises

In both Taijiquan and Qigong, the ideal is to create an energy flow through the whole body. Concerning the limbs this would mean from the feet to the hands — ideally to the very tips of the fingers. To achieve this, every practitioner has to get to know the structure […]



WUDANG 5 ANIMAL QIGONG OPEN AND CLOSE In any good Qigong form there is an opening movement and a closing movement. Although the physical movements may vary from routine to routine and some details and specifics will be different, the internal practice and theory should be more or less the […]

Six Healing Sounds Qigong Instructions plus easy to follow Videos

Six Healing Sounds Qigong Instructions plus easy to follow Videos

This online series “Six Healing Sounds Qigong (Liuzijue)” contains easy to follow videos of Qigong movements and exercises, accompanied by straightforward instructions. These movements are suitable for all ages and abilities to learn at home (always take your own circumstances and doctor’s advice into consideration!). The six sounds are: Six […]

Six Healing Sounds Qigong

六字訣 -Liuzijue – Six Healing Sounds Qigong Six Healing Sounds Qigong (Liuzijue) is one of the best medical Qigong system I studied in many decades of research, and is one of the few I have retained and still teach today, with amazing results. The Six Healing Sounds system has a […]