Nils Klug

38 posts
Nils Klug has been teaching Tai Chi Chuan since 1991. He opened his first school in 1993 and then in 1996 established the Tai Chi-Studio at the Linden Ecological Trading Centre next to FAUST e. V. Nils trained Tai Chi Chuan with Grand Master William C. C. Chen in New York and is authorized by him to teach his Tai Chi. Grand Master Chen, who has been teaching Tai Chi for over sixty years, was a student of Professor Cheng Man-Ching. In addition, Nils’ second teacher Dr. Tao Ping Siang (†2006) from Taiwan also had a major influence on his Tai Chi career. Nils has been the chairman and the President of the “Taijiquan and Qigong Federation for Europe“ (TCFE)from 2007 to 2013. He has been organizing the International Push Hands Meeting in Hannover since 2001 and he teaches at numerous Tai Chi meetings in Germany and abroad.