Modularized teacher training
Proudly presented by Tai Chi Studio
Our Motivation
After nearly 30 years as a Tai Chi teacher, I had the vision to develop a way to teach Yang style Tai Chi as a living system, building on the approach of Cheng Man Ching and of my teacher William Chen. In our Tai Chi tradition, healthy, functional movement for general well-being and martial arts are one, practiced as meditation in motion.
Tai Chi as meditation in motion can take different forms. In our style it has already become a tradition of its own to bring Tai Chi back to the basics and to study hand form, sword and push hands exclusively, but therefore in greater depth.
We have spent the last years to harmonize the methods of these the three fields of Tai Chi to facilitate the transfer of skills from one field to the other. This makes it possible to get into the depths of the internal work Tai Chi without spending unreasonable time and effort, no matter at which point on the Tai Chi map your journey starts.
Why modules?
The time that we live in puts high demands on our flexibility and efficiency. The healthy answer to this is the wish to be able just to do our thing – without pressure, without tight deadlines, with a view to develop ourselves at our own pace. To me, this positive vision of live-long learning is what Tai Chi is all about. Thus, Tai Chi itself naturally tends to a self-determined training system.
So: What kind of Tai Chi teacher do you want to be? – This question can only be answered by yourself.
Our flexible modularized curriculum allows you to take control of your training and enables to to build routines that fit your lifestyle while keeping track of your progress.
In our modularized Tai Chi teacher training, we unite classic-traditional methods with the requirements of modern adult education and the possibilities of digitalization.
You will be able to:
- Choose your individual starting point
- Move at your own speed
- Reach your personal goal.
While you will get a detailed certificate about each module immediately upon completion, it will be possible to readjust your teacher training at every point in time throughout the whole process – be it to speed it up or to take a break.
Admission process
As our concept is tailored for beginners and for those with a beginner’s mind, there are no individual limits for admission.
All exercises and techniques are tailored to beginner’s level and will grow with the students. In line with traditional training, simple exercises will gradually become more demanding (fine-tuned) as you progress, according to your individual level.
As our Tai Chi is easily accessible and intuitive, it is suitable for Tai Chi beginners who want to make their first steps with us. – In our experience, an open attitude, an experimental mind, some imagination and the bodily fitness to go about your every day activities are the only qualities needed to become a good teacher.

Tai Chi – Meditation in Motion
Three fields of learning
- Taijiquan Hand Form
- Sword
- Push Hands
The modules are arranged in a seasonal pattern – handform in spring, sword in early summer, Push Hands in fall. Weekly training will be available over the whole year – in person and online.
One way of moving – functionally and healthy
We work with the approach that healthy movement is functional and functional movement is healthy.
Our method of teaching Tai Chi forms and applications closely interact with what we do in push hands and sword fencing. That means during the training you will only learn and deepen your understanding of one integrated way of moving that will be easily transferable into your every day life.
Your advantage on top: We unified the body and biomechanics of the learning fields into one integrated approach that enables you to choose in which field to start your Tai Chi journey.
Modularized teacher training curriculum (abstract)
- 2 years’ rhythm
- 10 workshops per year
- Complementing (weekly) training
- ConceptWorkshop in the second year – develop your teaching style
- Materials (multimedia)
More Info
Do you want more information?
More details and the workshop dates for 2023 will shortly be announced.
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