The Taiji Forum team wishes all of you a happy Tai Chi and Qigong Day! At this time, when many of us find their schools closed, we would like to remind you of the joy of practising in a diverse group with this video of the performance “Tai Chi for all”, realised by Naissan Schneider and her team of the Sternendojo Münster (Germany) on the stage of the 20th International Push Hands Meeting in Hannover, Germany. It produced a big smile on our faces!
Video “Tai Chi for all”
World Tai Chi and Qigong Day 2020, April 25th

The World Tai Chi and Qigong Day originally has been created to raise awareness of the health benefits of Taijiquan and Qigong. Today, on the last Saturday of April each year, many people around the world present and share our beautiful arts in public – this year for the first time mainly in online or virtual reality events. Even though we may not be able to meet in person – let‘s continue to promote the sense of well-being and connectedness that practising together is creating for all of us! Stay safe and make some noise on the web!
If you are still searching for something to participate in this year, just visit the official website of the inventors of the world day: