Donations: Supporting Taiji Forum
For many years we worked on this website. Uncountable hours of work and much heart, soul and effort were put into it by many people.. By now, the income by advertising tends to cover our expenses for the server etc..
From time to time we are asked by users, if it is possible to support our project by donations.
On our “about us” page you find other options to support our vision.
On this page you find our bank details and our a paypal button.
For now, we are not a registered association and we do not plan to become one in the near future. This means that the donations are only tax-deductible for some donators. Upon request, we will however provide you with an invoice with VAT.
Bank account for donations
Account holder: Nils Klug
Keyword: “entry teacher database” or “donation”
Bank: Hannoversche Volksbank e. G.
IBAN: DE30251900010254587000 / BIC: VOHADE2H
Paypal Donation Button
You can select the amount manually after a click on the button