The teachers and themes are published and the registration of Push Hands Meeting 2024 is ready! We will offer a Continuous beginners’ program again.
Continuous beginners’ program
*Our bilingual workshop for Push Hands beginners follows a coordinated schedule with matching topics. It is led by Birgit Golze (Wednesday-Friday) and Nils Klug (Saturday/Sunday).
All-week workshop for beginners

First Day – Arriving and getting to know each other
Today, we will not only make contact with Pushing Hands, but also with ourselves and our partner. Together, we will try to sense, to feel, to listen and to communicate. We will search (and find?!) our centre, to be able to work with in in Pushing Hands. Simple exercises and movements will help us on our way. We will take our time: to see where to move, where to be soft in order to practice balanced and harmonious Push Hands.
Second day – Letting go: “Relaxed” in the thick of it
Our aspiration: Letting go in motion! How will I be able to let go even though somebody is trying to push me? This is the central question with which we will be dancing through our second day. – -Intentional movement and letting go are two things, which at times do not seem easy to combine. Nevertheless: to do so effortlessly will today be the goal of our exercises.
Third Day – The Push: Fundamentals
Today we are going to push! Speaking of fundamentals, many questions will emerge:What is a good push?, Where is the difference between merely shoving somebody around and a beautiful push?, Which way do I go while pushing? and: How can I succeed, trying to put all of this into one single rounded movement? – Our answer: We empty our heads and go for it! – It is really very easy:You want to push and I will show you how.
Fourth Day – Guiding our Attention

Today, we will build upon our work of the last few days and look into ourselves and our internal structure.
Using real situations that arise out of free pushing hands during the workshop as a starting point, we will tackle the following key aspects:
- The “kua”-region: Working on soft hip joints
- Neutralizing: Evading without building up pressure
- Preserving our spine – but how?
- Leaving the contact point behind – the significance of our attention
- Soft, softer, untouchable? – Strategies for Neutralizing
Simple exercises will enlighten and deepen the experiences gathered during the last days.
Fifth day – Effortlessness: The big Lever
On the last day, we go full circle: We will once again concentrate on our partner.
Using real situations that arise out of free pushing hands during the workshop as a starting point, we will tackle the following key aspects:
- Expanding: into the space of the Other
- Moving our partner intelligently
- Effortless: Aligning our hip area
- Pushing effectively: Angles and Inclinations
- Hints on how to fine tune your push
Simple exercises will enlighten and deepen the experiences gathered during the week.