Taiji Forum.com is rooted in the Taiji Europa Project, which started in 2008 as a joint project of Ronnie Robinson and Nils Klug. Both Ronnie and Nils did at this time run their own schools and both were enthusiastic about connecting people – Ronnie with his Tai Chi Caledonia meeting, which takes place every summer in Stirling (Scotland), and Nils with his International Push hands Meeting, taking place annually in late winter/early spring in Hannover (Germany).
Taiji Europa was aimed at a European audience; it consisted of an English and a German sister site, which were developed separately. When Ronnie died after a short, severe illness in March 2016 Nils decided to carry on, changing the focus towards a more global perspective. Our hope is that Ronnie’s visions and his enthusiasm may live on in Taiji Forum for which he laid the base.
Today Taiji-Forum.com and its sister site Taiji-Forum.de are based in Hanover (Germany) at the Tai Chi Studio(School of Taijiquan). Our small team is connected to “Taiji” in various ways – and we like to share our passion!
Taiji Forum – An international portal for Taijiquan & Qigong
Taiji Forum is a non-profit project, realised by a small core team and fuelled by contributions of practitioners from all over the world. Being practitioners ourselves, we are fascinated by the rich heritage of the Chinese internal arts – and we want to share our passion with you! Continue reading about us
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Author: Taiji Forum
Image: Nils Klug