The Cheng Man Ching Archive’s Publications and Activities

Publications Cheng Man Ching Archive

Publications of the Cheng Man Ching Archive

Publications of the Archive’s Collection

Due to copyright and intellectual property law, major parts of the Archive’s collection cannot be published or digitalised for public use. – Though we agree with intellectual property protection for all creative work, this legal situation unfortunately means that we are generally not able to (re)publish our collection and make it accessible to all. This sadly also applies to writings and pictures, where the author/fotographer grants us permission but the former publisher cannot not be reached or vice versa.

Publications Cheng Man Ching Archive

Online publication – Information free for all

We at the Cheng Man Ching Archive believe that free access to information is a cornerstone of (non-formal) education. Whenever it is possible – i.e. when the legal licenses are cleared – we will publish the originals online and free for all. Furthermore, in some cases, we also translate materials which we think are of particular interest.

See some examples:
Publication: Dr. Tao’s Classics, KvS Sword
Translation to German: KvS Sword translation

Publications of own research

We also conduct our own research into the Archive’s materials, connecting tradition, own practice and theory to new original articles.

Articles and texts
You may find written content on the Taiji forum websites (English / German) and the videos of demonstrations and various instructional videos on our YouTube channels:

Taiji Videos: Demonstrations and practical videos

On all our video channels, we are committed to provide free access to the content.

Our published online video collection – which is also free for all on our Youtube channel – is at this time limited to German and English videos only.

YouTube channels

Practical exchange – The International Push Hands Meeting

There is a German saying: All theory is grey. – We feel that this is true. The biggest part of Tai Chi is practical, and we are also dedicated to practice. Apart for our own school, the Tai Chi Studio in Hanover, Germany – we have been organizing an annual international exchange meeting for Push Hands for over 20 years.

Our work with the resources of the archive has led to a new understanding of Push hands as non-verbal communication. See here:

UPDATE International Push Hands Meeting 2022

Organizing the meeting, we experienced that Push Hands as non-verbal communication can cross language and cultural borders. We believe it is one of the biggest presents of Chinese culture to the world. – Why not join in the joy of being alive and the celebration of living Tai Chi culture?! We would be happy to see you there!

Author: Gabi Kannenberg
Images: Taiji-Forum
German Version of this article
More on Cheng Man Ching Archive: will be published soon!

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