Dear Push Hands Friends,
find enclosed the newest update on the program and the Covid-regulations of the International Push Hands Meeting 2022.
Framework Programm
We will be able to organize a Gala on Saturday evening in the Kunsthalle!
Every morning, starting on Thursday, there will be morning Qigong in the Tai Chi Studio – more information on this later.
Sadly, for the known reasons, we will have to do without buffet and party this year, but we hope that the weather will treat us to a nice evening in the nearby beer garden.

Covid-Regulations at the meeting
The new Covid regulations allow for more personal responsibility.
For the meeting as a small indoor meeting for contact sports, the requirement for daily tests and wearing masks have been lifted. We took additional care to increase the space per person. The will be a possibility to log in with the WarnApp on the spot.
Although there are technically no formal requirements for attending the meeting, we advise that people with symptoms independently test themselves in case of doubt. There are test centers in the vicinity which can be used free of charge.
Requirement for Self-isolation / Quarantine in Germany/Lower Saxony
Due to some questions by our international guests, a short summary of the current regulations on quarantine:
Contact persons of Carriers
The following groups of people are EXEMPT from the requirement to quarantine after meeting an infected person:
- people with three vaccinations
- People that were recovered and afterwards vaccinated twice
- People that were vaccinated twice and then recovered from an infection
- People with two vaccinations with the last of them not older than 3 months (90 days) – „recently vaccinated“
- People who recovered from an infection during the last three months (90days) – „recently recovered“.
Persons with symptoms and a positive test-result
If you happen to test yourself positive, you should go to a test center and get a formal rapid test to be sure. If this should also be positive, you should follow up with a PCR-test. If this happens to be negative, there is no requirement for quarantine.
In the event of a positive PCR-test a ten day quarantine/isolation is mandatory. This period can be shortened by testing negative on day 7, if you did not show any symptoms in the 48 hours before this test.
The obligation to self-isolate for persons with symptoms and a positive test is irrespective of their vaccination status.
Enter Germany from EU and associated countries
To enter Germany from EU and associated countries (CH, LI, Norway, Iceland) there are no special requirements. (Two doses of a vaccine which is licensed in Europe / EU are only needed coming from other countries.)
There is also no requirement for a special registration before entering Germany.
To participate in the meeting there are not any covid-related requirements – no vaccination and no testing is needed.
How to get there
We will start every day in the Tai Chi Studio with a presentation of the day’s teachers.
You will find us here:
Tai Chi- Studio, Nils Klug:
We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Many greetings from (at least for now) spring-time Hanover!
Birgit, Nils and Gabi