Push Hands Workshop “IN CONTACT – The power of relaxation”

“IN CONTACT – The power of relaxation” is the topic of Anny’s push hands workshops during the 21st International Push Hands Meeting taking place 4th-8th of May 2022.
In order to push in the taiji way, it is required to be in contact with yourself and your opponent.
This workshop is about how to get and stay in contact with yourself while practicing pushing hands (PH).
We work on awareness, relaxation and sinking in contact with yourself and your PH-partner.
What are we going to do?
We start with wakening up the body, then relaxing exercises to enlarge your awareness about where in our body we are (or aren’t) relaxed and how to enlarge our relaxation.
We continue with exercises on how to integrate “contact with yourself” and “relaxation” in our form. Subsequently, we will do some partner work about how to integrate “contact with yourself” and “relaxation” in PH.
Participation requirements
No special requirements.
This workshop is suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners.
Anny Ploegmakers practices Taiji since 1992. She started in Yang-stile with the traditional 37 short form and the sword form from Master Cheng Man-ch’ing (CMC).
Since 2000 she practices the 37 short form and sword form from Master Huang Sheng Shyan, student of CMC, besides the Refined Form, Spear and White Crane.
Anny passed her instructors exam from the Taijiquan School of Central Equilibrium of Wee Kee Jin (WKJ), in Mai 2016.