Teacher database and event calendar will be discontinued

Dear users,

we are very sorry to announce that we are forced to discontinue our teacher database and event calendar after many years of free service to the Tai Chi and Qigong community.

Teacher database and event calendar will be discontinuedAs the digital world of the internet is developing, more and more copyright and censure issues are burdened upon the publisher of the material in question. While this may be politically questionable concerning the big players like e.g. google and facebook, it is simply impossible for us, who do voluntary – which also means unpaid – work, to monitor and back-check upon all uploaded texts, photos and provided links. We are unable to bear the legal and financial risk of overlooking some detail and we are unwilling to take money for doing monitoring and censuring work we never volunteered to do in the first place. Sadly, we have to refer you to the known social media services and general event databases on the web for further advertising of your school or workshops.

Maybe it is time to build the Taiji community in another way…

Maybe it is time to build the Taiji community in another way…If you want to maintain the connection or even meet us together with other dedicated teachers and students of the Chinese arts from many countries in real life, feel free to visit us at the Yangsheng Meeting or theInternational Push Hands Meeting in Hannover, Germany. Both meetings are bilingual (English/German) and suitable for practitioners of all levels. – We are looking forward to meeting you!

If you want to stay tuned to what we are up to in the digital realm, just follow us on Facebook (English: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalTaijiForum/, German: https://www.facebook.com/TaijiForum/) or subscribe to our Youtube channels for Qigong exercises.
(English: https://www.youtube.com/c/QigongExercises, German: https://www.youtube.com/c/Qigong%C3%9Cbungen).

Kind regards,

Taiji Forum Team

Taiji Forum – An international portal for Taijiquan & Qigong
