Tai Chi Application Push Video
Today’s Tai Chi posture is Push. The application can represent a
neutralising movement before the actual push.
✅🧘Tip for form practice:
Add some intention and meaning to your meditative form by visualizing (and executing) a slow
reaction to a push (yielding, neutralising, emptying the upper part of your torso) before pushing yourself
everytime you make the movement in your form.
Remember: #formfollowsfunction
✅🥊 Tip for practicing application:
Your partner should be positioned in front of you and begin with an upwards push against your shoulders.
While neutralising let your arms make contact with your partners arms to free your shoulders.
Dive a bit under the now stretched structure of your partner – and push!
👀 Curious to start your Tai Chi journey with a fun and cooperative approach? Looking for some active impulses for your Tai Chi training?
Join us for some simple and safe Tai Chi application workshops from January 2023! All Workshops are suitable for beginners! – Enjoy our especially tailored partner exercises and learn how to develop control of your movements – the intensity is up to you! NO prior knowledge of Tai Chi forms required!