STRATEGIES – Tai Chi Sword 42


Sword strategies

  • We get strength from our centre, speed from the O.
  • When neutralising, we let the O’s blade barely miss us, so that his realisation that he has missed is delayed.
  • If the O shows a weak grip, use one of the disarming techniques, as in the kicks before the 3 jumps and “Tiger Wags Tail”.
  • If the O offers you his sword handle, contact (don’t grab) it with your left hand, then you will have an opportunity to cut. You may also simply take his sword, or slap it out of his hand.
  • When the O’s blade touches us in a cut or thrust, we should touch that place with our left hand, as an acknowledgement.
  • It is not for us to impose our will on the O, but to allow the O to impose his will on himself.
  • Get out of the way and as you do, lead the O out of centre, off balance.
  • hat which we resist, persists. What we accept, we can own or delete.
  • Turn the other cheek, but turn it from your centre.
  • Ride the wave of the O’s energy.
  • Strategies, Tactics and Techniques must be responses to a particular action of the O. Execute them but don’t entertain them.
  • While fencing, to have a thought, is to be cut.
  • Who favours one side of the blade, will be cut on the other.
  • Don’t play to win, play to evolve.
  • Stick, adhere, follow, listen and interpret.
  • Neither a barrier nor a parrier be.
  • The sword form is done faster than the solo form, and the footwork is similar to that of Bagua; the rooting is lighter while using the sword, but should develop fully when a strong neutralization or cut is executed. The sword itself is rooted in the hand, the grip must be firm enough so that the sword cannot be taken, and the wrist and arm must be resilient enough so that a strong beat will not knock the sword out of the hand, but allow it to spiral on its centre, and return to cut.

Author and Images: Ken van Sickle

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