SUPPOSITIONS – Tai Chi Sword 46



I often find that Tai Chi practitioners are happy to tell us that one is ‘not supposed’ to do this or that. For example in push hands one is not supposed to grab, or in fencing one is not supposed to disengage. If grabbing or disengaging are cited as advantages for those who grab or disengage, why should they be denied that advantage?

Professor Cheng told us not to grab (grip tightly) because it is a disadvantage to the one who grabs, therefore, one would be better advised to execute a counter move (within the Tai Chi principles) instead of telling a person who grabs that they are wrong.

Professor Cheng didn’t tell us not to disengage. He told us (and clearly demonstrated while fencing) to disengage only when it is safe and appropriate. Therefore if the O disengages inappropriately we should use an appropriate counter-move. If our counter is successful, it will address his error more effectively than a verbal admonishment.


Author and Images: Ken van Sickle

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